Who are we ?

CollEx-Persée is a research infrastructure set up in France in 2017.

Who are we ?

CollEx-Persée is a research infrastructure set up in France in 2017. It brings together 21 research libraries, 4 national operators (Persée for digitisation; ABES for bibliographic data; CTLes for document storage and preservation ; INIST for data mining) and the Bibliothèque nationale de France.

It aims to facilitate access to and use of library collections by researchers in a context where the relationships between these two communities are being tested. Indeed, technical developments and the massive availability of online documentary resources have changed the research process. The majority of researchers in all disciplines have adapted to the direct accessibility of digital content from their computers, leading to a declining attendance of library buildings.

CollEx-Persée’s vision is a library that develops hybrid collections (thinking together digital resources, print, research materials including archives and iconographic resources) backed by services that meet the new needs of researchers as users of information sources of all kinds and producers of data and research results.

The originality of CollEx-Persée relies on the choice of a national network organization dedicated to research support and governed by university presidents, librarians and researchers. The members of the consortium identify and carry out various actions in common: digitisation programmes; collection mapping; concerted licensing of specific electronic resources; assistance with research data management; open science support; document delivery; shared conservation plans, etc.

CollEx-Persée is funded by the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research. These human and financial resources allow for supporting structuring programmes, launch calls for projects and organise bibcamps and study days to bring communities together and share expertise.

CollEx-Persée also aims to share vision and best practices with other similar European organizations during meetings (German-French seminar in Strasbourg in 2016 with FID- Fach Informazions Dienste).

For more information : CatRIS

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